Online Meetings

Regular group meetings

Currently, many UK groups are holding ‘on-line’ meetings to replace the regular face to face meetings held in venues across the country.

Please refer to the UK Meetings list to see which groups are online. Choose a meeting then call the helpline for joining details.
Helpline 0207 498 4680 manned daily 1-4 and 6-9pm.

Additional monthly step study meetings

Monthly 12 step study meetings are held via zoom on the 3rd Saturday each month at 4pm.

The next step study meeting, on:

Step 12 will be Saturday 21st September at 4pm

Meeting ID: 506 818 7921 and Passcode: 12step

Or paste this link into your browser:

Please login a few minutes before 4pm so we can start on time.

We will be reading from the book ‘The Twelve Steps of FA’ which is available to buy from the website shop.

Take this informal opportunity to become more familiar with the Twelve Steps. You don’t need to be working the Steps with a sponsor, nor does it matter whether you have already studied earlier steps.