You can help
Service in FA is an important part of our Recovery.
If you are attending meetings regularly, then please volunteer for Service,
maybe on the helpline, or in the FA office, on the website or forum.
The helpline offers ‘first contact support’ for callers who may be feeling a sense of desperation concerning the use of drugs or related behaviour of someone very close to them.
If you have been a member of FA for a minimum of a year and are attending meetings on a regular basis, at least monthly, you can make all the difference to that person. You can give them hope, you can encourage them to attend local FA meetings for the help and encouragement they may well need.
With Telephone Duty Guidelines and initial support from other FA members, you could be the one person that makes a difference to someone’s life, from the comfort of your own home.
Can you spare 3 hours once a month or more, to man the helpline between the hours of 1 – 4pm or 6 – 9pm.
It is often a very rewarding experience and you can be proud that you are helping those trying desperately to cope on their own with drug addiction and possible related behavioural problems in a family.
The office in London also needs volunteers for all kinds of tasks – you don’t need office or computer experience, just a willingness to help out with whatever’s needed. Some jobs can be done from home so you don’t even have to live in London.
There are also many opportunities in PI (Public Information), Fellowship Liaison, and Prison Visiting.
We are seeking at present volunteers to join the FA Board, for a maximum of three years. Just contact the office for more details or send in a volunteer from.
Thank you.
The Volunteer Form is available to download here Volunteer Form 2019 .