
A little bit about us

What exactly is FA?

Families Anonymous is a world-wide fellowship of family members and friends affected by another’s abuse of mind-altering substances, or related behavioural problems. FA has groups, spread throughout the country, which meet regularly. Any concerned person is encouraged to attend the meetings, even if there is only a suspicion of a problem. The Fellowship is a self-help organisation with a programme based on the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions first formulated by Alcoholics Anonymous.

FA was founded in 1971 by a group of families in America. The first group in this country started in London in 1980 and there are now some 50 groups in various parts of the country.

How can it help?

The aim of the group is to help the family and friends of people with a current, suspected or former drug problem by providing mutual support and to offer a forum where experiences and anxieties can be shared. In the group members learn to come to terms with the problem that is disrupting their lives. Attending meetings helps members adopt an honest and consistent approach towards the addict. This in turn often brings him/her to realise that he/she needs help to live without drugs. Experience has shown that help for the family and friends means important help for the drug-dependent person.