Start A Meeting

Start your own group

Who can start a Group?

It takes just one concerned person to spearhead a group. All that’s needed is a regular place to meet, a Families Anonymous Meeting Format, some FA literature, and a few potential members. Use the UK forum, under the ‘New meetings starting up’ topic, to find out if there are others in your area looking for a group.

How do I find a suitable location?

Suggested meeting places are community centres, church halls or other public buildings. Owners of buildings approached should understand the nature and purpose of our programme. Places where other 12-step fellowships meet are a good place to start when you are looking for a meeting venue. Organisations such as Drugs & Alcohol teams, Mental Health Hospitals for instance, may offer a room without charging a rent as they are involved in drug addiction & related problems. These organisations will vary across the counrty so it is worth doing local research as this will usually lead to a community-spirited person or organisation who will offer a room at little or no cost. If there is no set fee, the group will offer to make a small contribution towards the use of the room, in accordance with Tradition 7.

What about supplies?

When your group is ready to start, you can request to be sent an FA Starter Pack containing all the readings and literature from the FA office. You will probably want light refreshments, a notebook, and a sign or two to guide newcomers to the meeting. All supplies (milk, coffee, tea, etc) should be paid for by Group funds.

What is a meeting like?

Details of how to conduct a meeting, how to let newcomers know you are there, how to build up attendance, all are covered by leaflets obtainable from the Office.

Support is available for new groups from more experienced FA members, so you don’t have to struggle on your own! Contact the office (tel: 0207 498 4680  or email and ask to be put in touch with the New Groups person. They will be able to offer experience and suggestions and may know of other people in your area who are interested in starting a group.